Chapter 1. Getting to know your MATLAB
You could start MATLAB by
clicking the MATLAB icon on windows, and once started, it will pop up and
display something like this:
And now you are now in MATLAB.
Command for MATLAB:
>> exit %to exit….. the symbol “%”
without quotes is used to put comments into your
%algorithm so I’ll use this symbol to put what the syntax is all about
%algorithm so I’ll use this symbol to put what the syntax is all about
>>help syntax %displays the syntax function
and its uses.. syntax is variable
>>help plot; or help sine
Now try this exercise:
>>z %now if you will type the
letter z, it will look like this
z =
MATLAB uses conventional
decimal notation and the one we called PEMDAS rule in mathematics (Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction),
so if you will type;
>>z=3+7*8; %it is just like z= 3+ (7*8)
z =
>>pi %the constant pi = 3.1416
>>sqrt %the square root operation
>>6^2 %the symbol ^ means raised to
the nth so 6^2 means 6 squared,
ans =
>>sin(pi/2) %sine function of pi divided by 2, make
sure you put a parenthesis after the function
ans =
Matrix operation can also be
done in MATLAB. Columns are separated by space, and the rows are separated by
>>A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I want you to explore every
possible outcome by using some matrix operations, and functions:
+ %addtion Inv %inverse of matrix
- %subtraction det %determinant of a matrix
* %matrix multiplication size %size of the matrix
^ %power rank %rank of matrix
‘ %transpose rand %random matrix number
\ %left division
/ %right division
F =
0.9134 0.2785
0.6324 0.5469
0.0975 0.9575
That’s it for now… Up Next! I’ll
teach you how to plot in MATLAB