Chapter 1. Getting to know your MATLAB

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You could start MATLAB by clicking the MATLAB icon on windows, and once started, it will pop up and display something like this:

And now you are now in MATLAB.

Command for MATLAB:

>> exit                %to exit….. the symbol “%” without quotes is used to put comments into your
                           %algorithm so I’ll use this symbol to put what the syntax is all about

>>help syntax      %displays the syntax function and its uses.. syntax is variable
                           %example: >>help plot; or help sine

Now try this exercise:

>>z                     %now if you will type the letter z, it will look like this
z =

MATLAB uses conventional decimal notation and the one we called PEMDAS rule in mathematics (Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction), so if you will type;

>>z=3+7*8;        %it is just like z= 3+ (7*8)
z =

>>pi                     %the constant pi = 3.1416
>>sqrt                  %the square root operation
>>6^2                  %the symbol ^ means raised to the nth so 6^2 means 6 squared,
ans =

>>sin(pi/2)           %sine function of pi divided by 2, make sure you put a parenthesis after the function
ans =

Matrix operation can also be done in MATLAB. Columns are separated by space, and the rows are separated by semicolon:

>>A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

I want you to explore every possible outcome by using some matrix operations, and functions:

+             %addtion                            Inv        %inverse of matrix
-              %subtraction                      det        %determinant of a matrix
*             %matrix multiplication          size        %size of the matrix
^             %power                              rank       %rank of matrix
               %transpose                        rand       %random matrix number
\              %left division
/              %right division

F =
    0.8147    0.9134    0.2785
    0.9058    0.6324    0.5469
    0.1270    0.0975    0.9575

That’s it for now… Up Next! I’ll teach you how to plot in MATLAB

About the author

Paul Ryan A. Dedumo is a blogger and an Electronics and Communication Engineering student at University of San Carlos. Learn and inspire as you follow him in his links, blog and other social media accounts.