Chapter 2: Plotting in MATLAB

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Before we plot a graph on matlab we should specify what will be our x axis and our y axis. For instance, we could let x be the independent variable and y is a function of x.
                If we want to plot a cosine function we could type:
>> t = 0:0.001:5;            %this means, the first number 0 is the initial value and 5 is the last value,
                                     %the 0.001 is the increment of the cosine function,
                                     %NOTE: make sure to put a semi-colon after every syntax
>>y = cos(t-0.25);           %our function;
>>plot(t,y,’r’)                   %plot syntax; ‘r’ means the color of the line is red

You should have a graph like this:

We could also put title, label on our graph:
>>title(‘Cosine plot’)

That’s it for plotting could place two or more graphs in one figure.

Note: Try exploring the syntax ‘subplot’. Without the quotes. You could also try changing the values of t, comment your exploration here. It is much appreciated. Thanks! Up next.. Simulink Basics

About the author

Paul Ryan A. Dedumo is a blogger and an Electronics and Communication Engineering student at University of San Carlos. Learn and inspire as you follow him in his links, blog and other social media accounts.